Discover the Greenland dog
Don't you know the green dog? It's a beautiful Nordic race! If you like Samoyed, Alaskan malamute or husky, you have to know this breed as well. We tell you everything, you can find out if it's your ideal furry friend! To get started, the first thing you need to know about this breed is:
Height: 55 – 65 cm.
Weight: Up to 40 kg.
Life expectancy: 10 – 12 years.
Lifestyle: Houses, families, countryside.
Origin of the Greenland dog
The Greenland dog is a breed of type spits and one of the oldest in the world, used since ancient times by the Eskimos as a shooting dog to transport people and goods through the snow. In addition, he was also of great help in the hunt. Of course, a perfect life partner without which human survival might not have been possible in such extreme environmental conditions.
Features of the Greenland dog
The Greenland dog is sturdy, strong and resistant, but has very elegant proportions and shapes. Its head is large and coarse, with small and erect ears, triangular in shape with rounded tips. It has a characteristic variable color truffle between black and liver color, which in winter turns pink; it's what's called a winter nose.
It has a double layer coat, very dense and long, which makes it absolutely resistant to the colder climates. The internal is ring type and the outer smooth and rough to the touch. All colors are supported, both in bicolor and solid color combinations. The tail is long, powerful and bushy.
Greenland Dog Temperament
It is a very energetic dog, brave and confident. Passionate and tireless, enjoy work, sport and all outdoor activities. He has a strong hunting instinct.
He is affectionate with people and very friendly, even with strangers; therefore, the Greenland dog is not the best option if you are looking for a guard dog. You will find a faithful dog, independent, tenacious, familiar, protective and very loving.
He is endowed with great intelligence and curiosity, so his training is not usually difficult.
Greenland Dog Care
These types of dogs need to live in a large space, both inside the house and have access to the outside to run and play; ideal for the Greenland dog is a cottage or garden away from urban centers, better if it is in cold climate area, since it is for what is prepared by nature.
You will have to exercise daily; it is not enough short walks to pee, but well active and long several times a day. In addition, you will have a great time if you take him to the countryside, hiking or any other sport. It's ideal if you're considering mushing!
These breeds eat quite a lot, so having a dog as well as a pet will require a significant economic outlay. Consider whether you can afford it before making the decision to have it.
You have to brush your hair frequently to remove tens. The bathroom should not be very frequent, only when it is very dirty.
Greenland Dog Health
Usually dogs of this breed are usually healthy. Care must be taken not to suffer stomach torsion, relatively common in large active dogs as well as hip dysplasia.
Remember that vaccinations are essential to ensure your pet's good health and well-being.
Would you like to have a dog like Greenland?
How to take care of a deaf dog? We give you the keys
Congratulations on deciding to give a deaf dog a chance. Dogs with disabilities and diseases tend to have more difficulty finding a home, when in fact they are just as dignified, affectionate and loyal than any other dog. Many times you will wonder how to take care of a deaf dog, and really, it's not very complicated! We give you a few tips, but in reality these cares are not far from what you would give to a dog with full capacities, you only have to adapt certain things to its condition. Let's go see him.
How to care for a deaf dog
The health-oriented care of a deaf dog is the same as any other dog:
A healthy, quality diet adapted to your nutritional needs.
Especially to keep track of your deafness, as not all are the same. He deserves to be happy!
Now, what are the cares and attentions that you should specifically give when it comes to a deaf dog? To begin with, as you cannot hear, keep in mind that on the street you may be subjected to danger; for example, if you don't hear the horn of cars. So, to make sure you keep it safe, always wear it on the leash until you're sure you're in a 100% risk-free zone.
The education of a deaf dog is not more complicated, simply different. Since he can't hear you, instead of setting verbal orders, you'll have to communicate with him by signs. You will soon learn to understand your body language and react just like a dog that can hear.
You will have to adopt certain simple customs to live with a deaf dog. For example, so you don't panic when you walk into a room, turn on the light, or tread the floor to make you notice the vibration. It's about making up for your lack of hearing with other stimuli. Don't touch your dog when he's asleep, if he hasn't heard you coming, he might get scared and even react badly.
Apart from knowing how to take care of a deaf dog, remember to give it all the love and satisfy all the needs that you have as a dog. Play every day; create a bond, family up! A deaf dog is just like any other, you won't regret giving him this opportunity!
How to brush a dog? Learn to comb it step by step
Knowing how to brush a dog is very important, not only if you have a long-haired dog! Although those in more manes need more frequent brushing, this doesn't mean short-haired people don't have to comb them. All dogs need brushed to undo knots and remove dead hair! Learn how to do it in this post.
How to brush a dog
It is very important that you take your dog's brushing as a habit, not something exceptional. Thus, he will feel more comfortable, you will reduce the amount of knots, avoid skin problems and also your house will be cleaner. Especially if you have a dog that loses a lot of hair, brushing it is the way to avoid finding your hair all over the house. You'll need to increase the brushing frequency in spring and fall.
Not only do you have to get used to it, but your dog. If you want to know how to brush a dog easily, the first thing you should be clear about is that you must get used to the styling sessions from puppy. So little by little you will feel more comfortable and it will be easier to do so.
Now let's see how to brush a dog really:
1. Find the most comfortable posture for both
If you have a small dog, it's ideal to sit it on your lap. If it's medium or large, it's best to sit in a chair next to it while he's sitting or standing.
2. Choose the right tool
There are a multitude of brushes to style dogs. Natural bristles, metal, glove-shaped... In addition, they are not the same for dogs with short hair than long. Choose the right one for your pet! Choosing the right brush makes the task easier, improves results and makes the dog feel more comfortable during the process.
3. Hair-friendly
Never comb him against the back of the hair! Start at the head, to follow the sides, back and legs, leaving the tail for the end.
Undo all the knots well, but without pulls! Be careful not to hurt him or you'll get him to see the hairstyle as a negative experience. When you're done, give him a nice cookie.
If you've been combing your dog for too long and it has too many knots, you may need several brushing sessions to undo them all. If you want to do it all in one session, it may take too long, hurt him... totally, your dog will end up desperate. Be patient and go slowly until you're done!
You know how to brush a dog! It's really simple, but very important. Do it often and you'll avoid impossible knots and piles of hair around your house?
For more information we recommend that you download our app with news, curiosities and everything you need to take care of your pet don’t miss it!
Can dogs detect diabetes? We'll tell you!
Did you know that some dogs can detect diabetes? At least the ones who are trained for it! Many times dogs have proven us to be heroes without a cape, authentic four-legged angels. There are many things they do to help us have a better life. People with diabetes can count on the help of special dogs to detect symptoms and prevent glucose drops.
What dogs that can detect diabetes do
Dogs trained to detect diabetes can help people with diabetes because:
They recognize the symptoms of a low glucose drop before it happens and alert you to it.
Check your breathing to check your blood glucose level.
If you faint from hypoglycemia, these dogs help you get up and recompose.
If you need help and aren't aware, they're trained to seek support from others or medical assistance.
They carry medicines or food necessary in case of hypoglycemia.
You'll recognize dogs that can detect diabetes because they often carry a backpack that identifies them as people's assistance dogs.
It contains the data of the patient, an emergency contact, and food and diabetes medicines... everything that might be necessary in case of hypoglycemia! Thus, anyone can access the documentation and help if necessary.
How to train dogs that can detect diabetes
Dogs that learn to detect blood glucose levels are trained using techniques of tracking and detecting various odors from the human body. They learn what the normal blood sugar ranges are and react when they go up or down too much.
Hypoglycemia causes chemical changes in a person's body, which are detectable by the smell of their breathing. This smell is common to all people when they have it, so dogs can learn to recognize it.
A dog trained to detect hypoglycemia can sniff these changes before the sugar drop occurs, so they alert their owners in good time. By slightingly pushing or putting your paws on the patient, they let you know that you need to take steps to restore your blood sugar level before hypoglycemia occurs.
If it is too late and the patient faints, a dog with this specialized training is able to assist him or seek help elsewhere.
How to get a dog that detects diabetes
If you have type 1 diabetes with asymptomatic hypoglycemia, you can adopt one of these assistance dogs. This can take some time, as they will have to test you and exams, as well as make sure that your environment and lifestyle are appropriate for this type of dog.
It is not yet very common to find diabetes-detecting dogs, as it is a complicated and slow training. In Spain, the pioneers in this type of dog training are the Ocala Foundation. In Zaragoza they also train dogs to live with diabetics in the CENTER of Assisted Therapies CANEM.
Like any other, a diabetes-detecting dog needs love, care and maintenance. Make sure you can give it to him!
Respiratory diseases in the most common dogs
Respiratory diseases in dogs are more common than you might think. In fact, there are many different ones that can affect our furry; in this post we talk about the most frequent ones and we tell you what their characteristics are. Read on and find out!
Respiratory diseases in dogs
The respiratory system of dogs, like that of people, is quite delicate, so it can be affected by cold and other external factors that cause it to become irritated or inflamed, among other things. Respiratory diseases in dogs that most often occur are:
Dogs' cold is similar to people. Sudden changes in temperature, exposure to air currents, rain humidity, and other environmental factors can trigger a cold. Symptoms are also equivalent, nasal discharge, sneezing, general discomfort, fever sometimes, congestion, cough, irritation of the nose, sore throat... Everything looks familiar.
The cold in dogs is not serious, but it has a big drawback: it can be the start of the canine coquille, or the coquille is mistaken for having the same symptomatology. Therefore, even if the cold is mild, we cannot know first whether it is a cold or a coquille; therefore, it is necessary to go to the vet to get out of doubt.
Kennel cough
This is one of the most common respiratory diseases in dogs that live in overcrowded, whether in kennels, protectors or any other place where many dogs live. It is characterized by a dry and persistent cough and some mucus, sometimes with pus; if it is not treated, there is a risk that it will become complicated and end in pneumonia. It's really contagious among dogs.
This respiratory viral disease is very dangerous and spreads with great ease. There is a high risk of developing this disease if the dog is not vaccinated, and the immunocompromised, such as the elderly or puppies, have a high mortality rate. It is spread by direct contact with infected urine and faces, and also by inhaling viruses spread by the spray droplets that another dog expels.
Symptoms are: decay, fever, and lack of appetite, cough, depression, rhinitis, nasal and eye discharge, diarrhea, pneumonia...
Tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis
Inflammation of the different parts of the throat is very common in dogs and cause pain, difficulty swallowing, coughing, vomiting... They are treated with antibiotics and it is very important not to let them get worse or can have fatal consequences.
Bronchi are inflammation of the mucosa that coats the bronchi and is often the result of other milder conditions that have not been well treated. It is characterized by fever, although not too high, and a dry cough at first that subsequently becomes wet and accompanied by snot.
Bronchitis is very common and usually heals in 10 or 15 days, but can sometimes become chronic.
Pneumonia is severe; it is an inflammation of the lungs that can result from fungal infection, bacteria, parasites or inhalation poisoning.
It usually causes fever, coughing breathing difficulties, rapid breathing and sneezing, although sometimes asymptomatic.
Asthma is one of the most common respiratory diseases in dogs and can affect anyone, regardless of age or breed. It is often inherited from parents, although it can also be the result of an allergic reaction.
Symptoms are cough, fatigue, lack of appetite, slow mobility, blue tongue... However, they vary in each dog.
Did you know that dogs can also have all these respiratory diseases? If it is the case of your pet and you live in Spain we recommend that you download our app quickly to locate a veterinarian and consult him.
How to care for a dog's hair? We tell you everything
Do you know how to take care of a dog's hair? It is very important that you do it, since it is not only a matter of aesthetics, but it affects the health of your dog's own hair and skin. To take care of your dog's hair in the best possible way, follow the tips we have to give you!
Why is it important to know how to care for a dog's hair?
It is important to get used to the dog to the brushed from puppy, in this way you will take it as a habit and as something positive and let yourself be combed more easily. Some dogs like to be combed, but others can be a bit. To avoid the latter, start as soon as possible with this custom.
Also, if you comb your dog frequently, you won't have the house full of dog hair! Frequent brushing removes dead hairs, so you won't find them on the floor and furniture anymore.
If you brush your dog at least every other day, you'll also remove dust and dirt, so it will smell less and you'll be able to space the toilets. In addition, you'll often notice her hair, so you'll detect possible fleas, ticks or other parasites before they do more damage. In short, you will be giving health and control to your dog.
How to comb your dog's hair?
How you care for a dog's hair will depend on the type of hair you have. You need a hair-appropriate brush your dog has: long, short, thin, hard, for delicate skin... There are tons of options on the market, look for the one that best suits the needs of your furry! Both your veterinarian and the pet shop staff will be able to recommend the best for your dog.
It starts on the back, following by the head, chest and legs. You should always comb hair in favor of the hair, slowly undoing the knots with care not to jerk. Do it gently and he'll thank you!
When combing your dog's hair, pay special attention to:
Legs: if you have them very dirty, take the opportunity to moisten the hair with a sponge or cloth and clean them. This will further space the toilets and rid it of possible infections. It's a good time to check the condition of your nails.
Tail: You also need brushing, especially if it's long, as it will drag a lot of dirt.
Snout: it is usually soiled more by food, besides those dogs are sniffing everything and sticking their snout everywhere.
Wipe it with a damp cloth.
Eyes: dogs, like us, produce legacies. The time of the hairstyle is ideal to clean your eyes with a gauze and physiological serum.
When you're done, don't hesitate to give it a good reward! This is especially important if you are in the process of adapting to brushing, it will help your dog see this practice as something positive.
If you detect any type of abnormality in your hair or skin, you should take it to the vet as soon as possible. There are problems, such as atopic dermatitis, that are really common in dogs.
And remember, if you have any questions about how to care for a dog's hair, you can always ask your veterinarian or a canine hairdresser! It will give you personalized advice.
Diseases that transmit fleas to our dogs
Dog fleas are one of the most common parasites, rare will be that if you have a dog for a long time you have never had one. But just because they're frequent doesn't mean they're not dangerous and we shouldn't prevent them, because they can give our pets a lot of trouble. These are the diseases that transmit fleas to dogs.
Diseases that transmit fleas to dogs
The bite of a flea would not be more dangerous if it were just that, a bite. The problem is that this parasite, in addition to feeding on the blood of other living beings, has the ability to transmit diseases, since they are carriers of malignant microorganisms.
Some of the diseases that transmit fleas to dogs are:
Tapeworm: The tapeworm is a flatworm that settles in the intestines and can pass there years, growing and growing. Some species of tapeworm can be transmitted by fleas, as they ingest their eggs, which pass to the dog if they accidentally swallow a flea.
Mycoplasmosis: This disease is transmitted by fleas and caused by bacteria; can affect dogs and cats. This disease affects the reproductive organs and causes infertility.
Bubonic plague: This disease is transmitted by fleas that have parasitized in rats, but it does not occur in all parts of the world, only in some areas of Asia, Africa and South America.
Murine typhus: present in the fleas of the cat and rat. It is present in underdeveloped areas and with poor hygienic resources.
Also, keep in mind that these fleas, even if they have a preference for dogs and cats, can also bite humans if needed. And they can also transmit to us some diseases of the above!
Symptoms of fleas in dogs
These diseases that transmit fleas to dogs are a risk, but they are not the only problem they can cause. Although they do not transmit any of them, a dog that has fleas will show the following symptoms:
Itching: Fleas bite the dog to feed on its blood, causing skin irritation. In addition, it can redden and even lose hair in the affected area.
Allergies: there are dogs that have hypersensitivity to flea bite, which causes symptoms to worsen, and can develop dermatitis.
Anemia: In cases of massive flea infestations, the dog may suffer anemia from blood loss.
Nerves: Mood swings, anxiety and general nervous behavior are normal due to flea discomfort.
If your dog shows these symptoms, you should check for fleas, ticks, or other parasites! In addition, fleas can affect other animals, such as cats, rabbits, mice and humans.
Watch out for fleas! Delight your dog whenever appropriate to keep it protected.
What food should I give my dog? We help you find it
If it's the first time you've had a dog, or if you're about to, you're probably in a lot of doubt, such as "what food should I give my dog? Food is one of the fundamental pillars of pet care and it's something you should be very clear about. We give you tips to find the most appropriate food for your pet.
What food should I give my dog? What options do I have?
When it comes to choosing the base food for our pets, we find many options on the market. Let's review the ways of feeding domestic dogs:
Dry thinking
It is the most used product by those who have dogs at home. Commercial feed is a food specifically developed for pets with products of both animal and plant origin. It is really easy to find and there is a great variety that adapts to everyone's needs. Here you can find countless types of feed of great quality and the best brands; you can choose the one that best suits the needs of your pet.
Wet food
Dry feed is not the only dog food we can find in stores. Another option is wet food, also called canned dog food. It usually has a nutritional value similar to that of dry feed, can be substitute or supplement it.
BARF diet for dogs
If you prefer to give your dog a food free of processed foods, you have the option of the BARF diet, composed entirely of completely natural foods: bones, meats, eggs and vegetables. It is not as popular as feed, but more and more people are aiming to feed their dogs this type of diet, which is really beneficial.
Which of all the options is the best?
What's the best I can feed my dog? Well, the truth is, there is no single answer for this question. We could say that the best food for a dog is the one that best suits your needs.
Suppose you've decided to feed your dog with commercial feed or cans. How do I know what food I should give my dog? Follow these tips to find the best food possible:
Although it is still a processed food, within dog feed and canned food there are different qualities. Always opt for the best of all, the premium range, or at least the best you can afford.
Don't be guided by advertising or the supposed prestige of the brands: research yourself before buying which food is best for your pet, compare and decide.
Of course, if your dog has specific feeding needs for some health problem, you should keep that in mind.
Adapt food and quantities to your age. It does not feed the same as a newly weaned puppy as a young, adult or elderly dog. The type of feed will vary throughout your life; the one you choose now will not be forever.
Look at the labels of what you're considering buying. Look for the most natural food possible, with meats and vegetables in high percentage and good quality. Can you interpret a label? The earlier an ingredient is mentioned, the higher the percentage of it contains the food. Look for high percentages of fresh meat and escape cereals (with the exception of rice) and meat by-products.
Quality protein is in fresh meat, not in animal beaks, feathers and hair. Think "would I eat the ingredients that come out on this label?" If the answer is no, don't give it to your dog either. Remember: the most expensive or most famous feed is not necessarily the best.
What food should I give my dog on the BARF diet?
If you prefer to move on from commercial food and give your dog natural foods yourself, the BARF diet is excellent. In Waksman we have tons of items telling you their benefits and how to plan it!
It is based on bones, meat, eggs and a small percentage of vegetables, so it mimics, as far as possible, what would be the diet of the dog if he lived in the wild. That is, a diet inspired by the food of wolves and wild dogs, but adapted to the lifestyle and level of physical exercise of domestic dogs.
The BARF diet has a very positive impact on the health of dogs after only a few months. You'll soon see all the benefits it has in your hair, your vitality, energy... and happiness!
Whether you decide to feed your dog processed or natural food, always keep in mind that you must choose the best possible quality and adapt it to your pet's nutritional needs and other characteristics.
What do puppies eat? Puppy feeding guide
If you want to know what puppies eat, we'll tell you it all depends on their age. From the moment they are born until they are adults, they are considered puppies, but their diet is not always the same. If you have a puppy, we tell you how to make that feeding transition, from the moment they are born to the feed.
What puppies eat: feeding the newborn dog
When a dog has just been born, it needs to suck on its mother. Breastfeeding is the natural mode of feeding puppies and is the best option, since your mother's milk gives you all the nutrients and fats you need. In addition, colostrum (first breast milk produced after the cubs are born) is essential for their survival and ensuring the start of proper development. Puppies should be nursing for at least six weeks of life, although ideally they will breastfeeding at two months.
In some cases, it may happen that the mother cannot, does not have to or does not want to feed her cubs: by rejection, abandonment, death of the mother or risk of diseases to her babies through her milk. In that case, if you have newborn puppies, you should take care of feeding them yourself, always with a substitute formula of breast milk. It's not cow's milk! The right ones can be found in veterinary clinics and pet products stores.
The transition from milk to solid food
As we have said, the feeding of newborn puppies should be breast milk, or failing that formula, at least until two months of life.
However, from about week 7, we can reduce the amount of milk intakes and introduce, very little by little, solid food. How do you do it? It's what's called puppy porridge. We will have to take a special feed for puppies and, in small quantities, be mixed and crushed with the milk to create porridge. In this way, we introduce into the diet animal proteins and other nutrients and the dog's body is getting used to digesting it.
Ideally, reduce breast milk in one intake and replace it with this porridge. If you used to mintage or drink bottles 5 times a day, now we will reduce them to 4, with 3 of them being breast milk and the fourth of porridge for puppies.
The weaning of the puppy
What do puppies eat after they are weaned? Weaning coincides with the outlet of the puppy's teeth, the mother stops feeding it because:
You are already physically prepared to eat solid foods.
Breast hurts with teeth.
However, they are not yet ready to eat very hard foods, so it is important that the change is progressive. It's the porridge we mentioned earlier.
When 8 weeks old (2 months), the dog already has his teeth ready to eat solids. Depending on the breed and strength of the dog, it could be ready to eat the feed as is, or need to be moistened a little to soften it, which can be done with some mineral water or formula.
However, milk intake at this time would be reduced to that case. At 8 weeks of life the puppy should stop basing its diet on its mother's milk and be independent. Gradually, in just a few weeks at most, the puppy will be able to eat solid food without softening.
You know what puppies eat! Remember that, once it is time to choose the feed, you must choose one of the highest possible and special qualities for puppies, since these have the nutrients they need to grow. As time goes on, it will be necessary to change the diet at each stage of your life to adapt it.
We tell you what the risks of canine diabetes
Canine diabetes is really common! 1 in 5 dogs have it. No dog is exempt from being able to develop this disease, but there are some that are more at risk of developing it. We tell you what these risk factors are and what to do if your dog has diabetes.
What is canine diabetes?
Diabetes is known about the body's inability to generate or take advantage of its own insulin, the hormone that converts glucose ingested into energy. Thus, high blood sugar levels are recorded.
Although there are several types of diabetes, which we refer to by canine diabetes is that of type 1, which is usually the most common in dogs. Diabetes needs treatment from the moment of diagnosis; a dog with diabetes can lead a completely normal life, but if that condition is ignored and not treated, it can have very serious consequences such as:
Urine infections
Inflammation of the pancreas
Cushing's disease
Kidney disease
Thyroid problems
Coronary problems
With proper treatment of diabetes in dogs, your pet will greatly reduce the risk of these problems and lead a normal life.
Risks of canine diabetes
While no dog is completely free to be diabetic (you never know!), some dogs are at greater risk due to their circumstances. The most at-risk groups are:
Although diabetes is not only "an old age disease" and can occur at any age, it is true that most cases of canine diabetes occur between 7 and 9 years of age.
That's why it's very important to give your dog a healthy and balanced diet!
The best way to avoid your dog's diabetes as much as possible is to give it a healthy life. Don't over fuel it, encourage you to exercise and sterilize your pet. While you won't be able to completely negate the likelihood of the disease appearing, you'll drastically reduce your risk. A dog that takes care of himself is a healthy dog!
As for genetic predisposition to canine diabetes, the most prone breeds are:
Pug or carline
Dachshund (dog "sausage") in all its varieties
Miniature Pinscher
Alaskan malamute
German shepherd
Finnish Spitz
Schnauzer mini
Cairn terrier
Golden retriever
Labrador retriever
Cocker spaniel
Anyway, remember that with a healthy life, the chance of developing diabetes is very low.
Symptoms of diabetes in dogs
How do you know if your dog has diabetes? The only way to detect diabetes from the outset is to perform frequent tests. This disease does have symptoms, but when it reaches a fairly advanced state. Well-developed diabetes in a dog may occur by:
Frequent and excessive urine
Too thirsty, your dog drinks a lot more water than usual
Excessive hunger
Even though he eats, even more than he should, he inexplicably loses weight
He's lethargic and not wanting to exercise or play
It is very important to start the treatment of diabetes in dogs as soon as possible to avoid serious squeal, so if you detect these symptoms in your dog, go to the vet as soon as possible!
Treatment of diabetes in dogs
Canine diabetes, like human diabetes, needs treatment for insulin injections. As you know, there is no cure for this disease, so treatment is life long
In addition, your diet and your pace of life will have to be adapted to this new circumstance. Do not worry! It may sound troubling, but with the treatment you need, a dog with diabetes will have a healthy and full life. In fact, your life expectancy will hardly be affected.
Find out how to choose the best diabetic dog feed.
Consulting a veterinarian with all your doubts and keeping track of canine diabetes will help you stay calm and better understand this disease. Don't be afraid of diabetes!
We tell you all the breeds of wolf dogs that exist
Although it may seem like a lie, all dog breeds come from the wolf! If you like dog breeds that look a lot like wolves, in my blog we tell you all about wolf dog breeds!
Currently 400 breeds of dogs are known all over the world and...They all come from wolves! However, not everyone shares the same genetic burden with their wild background! Remember that selective breeding has been practiced for 500 years.
But what are the races still bear the most similarities to wolves?
9 breeds of wolf dogs
When it comes to dog breeds, physical appearance deceives! Not always the most physically "wild" races with which they bear a greater genetic resemblance to wolves.
The genetic structure of dogs is quite complex! And it is a great wad of information of your current race, and all the previous crosses!
In the United States, the team of scientists at the National Human Genome Research Institute studied the DNA of 85 different dog breeds. His research revealed that types of dogs closest to wolves are:
Mastiff Dogs: Bullfrog, Boxer, Rottweiler, Bern boy...
The shepherd dogs: watch! Against all odds, German shepherds are not the closest to wolves!
Hunting dogs.
Sniffer dogs.
Genetically, the 9 breeds of dogs that are closest to wolves are:
Shiba Inu
Akita Inu
Siberian husky
Alaskan malamute
Afghan Greyhound
Were you surprised that any of these races are close to wolves? It is true that at first glance a German shepherd may seem closer to wolves than an Afghan Greyhound, however genetically it is not!
How to tell if my dog is going blind
Like people, dogs lose with age some faculties, their senses are affected. It happens, above all, with the ear and the sight. Regardless of whether your dog may go blind by age, illness or accident, in this article we will see how to detect it. If you are wondering how to know if my dog is going blind, keep an eye out for this post.
How to tell if my dog is going blind
Blindness, whether sudden or progressive, can be detected in different ways:
Changes in your dog's behavior
If your dog is going blind, you'll notice that his behavior suffers some variations from when he saw well. Inside the house, it's normal for you to bump into furniture, even if you haven't moved any room. Also, at a distance of approximately 3 meters you might not be able to recognize people's faces. He needs to pull his smell to find his food dishes, his bed and his toys and he no longer has as good night vision as before, so he may cancel out the night walks he took before or give them but be more clumsy.
On the street, you'll notice that, too. When you go for a walk, you will see that the nose does not peel off the ground to be able to orient yourself and that it walks more slowly, with caution and awkwardness. If you play the ball or drop it in the park, it may take longer to find yourself and you may have to call it several times to be guided by the ear.
Physical changes in your dog's eye
When a dog is going blind, it is also usually visible in its eyes. It may have too many legacies or even secretion, corneal opacity, mist (very associated with cataracts), spills, squinting eyes, and even internal or external injuries, such as ulcers.
What do I do if my dog is going blind?
If you notice any of these changes in your dog's eyes or behavior, you should go to the vet urgently. An eye check is needed to confirm blindness and, if so, determine the cause. It could be an ulcer, cataracts, other eye injuries, an accident or age-related blindness.
If you are aware that your dog has suffered some kind of damage, do not hesitate to tell the veterinarian, it will help in the diagnosis and treatment.
In case your dog ends up being completely blind, remember that this is no reason to leave it. A blind dog needs and deserves the same care as everyone else and it only takes a little adaptation on the part of everyone to lead a dignified, normal and happy life.
Dog Exercises: The Funniest Ways to Exercise
Your dog can be the best exercise companion do you know what dog exercises you can do with it? Think about it: your furry friend is always eager to spend more time with you, has a lot of excess energy to burn, and the temptation to skip a scheduled exercise session fades when our pet stands at the door, with the leash in his mouth, ready to do dog exercises with us.
The funniest dog exercises
There are many dog exercises we can do with them as we strengthen the bond with our pet, so check out these fun ways to get in shape with your furry friend.
Running with your best friend
Because dogs are animals of defined habits, they can help you maintain your weekly goal: once your puppy enters the routine of a morning walk, it will force you to do it every day. Your excitement may be enough to change your bad attitude toward exercise.
Don't worry about this kind of exercises for small dogs; the truth is that most have more energy than the big breeds. You only have to be careful with weather conditions and humidity, as dogs do not sweat like us. And if you have a dog of a flat-headed breed (pugs, Boston terrier’s bulldog, boxer, among others), do not demand much, since these types of dogs find it more difficult to breathe.
Let it work out naturally
The best forms of dog exercises are activities that would naturally take place outdoors. For our furry friends, playing with other dogs fits that definition.
If you observe a group of dogs in this environment, they take care of creating their own games and spend their extra energy the way they want to do it, freely.
A simple game of catching the ball
A simple search game can be all it takes to exercise daily with your dog. The exercise of catching the ball is easy to adapt to any schedule, as there is no need to move too much to find a place to do so.
A nearby park or backyard works great and on rainy or cold days, it can be an indoor dog exercise, played from the comfort of your sofa.
Olfactory dog exercises
Similar to tracking, nose exercises take advantage of your dog's olfactory ability. The training begins with simple tasks of finding suckers in a hidden box. As your dog improves on the location of objects, tasks become more challenging.
Olfactory work is not only an excellent exercise, as our dog goes from place to place looking for his prize, but also allows us to spend some fun time with him and squeeze our ties.
Riding a bike next to your furry
If your dog actually has enough energy to jog next to you while you're riding, great! This is a perfect way to do dog exercises. But even if your dog seems to be in the best health condition, you should have your veterinarian check it before starting a new exercise routine like this. Download our Waksman app to find the nearest vet next to you.
Remember, never tie your dog's leash on your bike while riding, as this can cause accidents and a greater effort for your hairy hair that can lead to heart, breathing problems or can lead to injury or muscle damage to your limbs.
Taking a daily walk and following the same path is not so a bad idea for dogs that enjoy routine and continuity, but finding new ways to release energy and just enjoy will open up new opportunities to expand the skills of our pets in the most fun way.
I think for dogs, which is the best?
As we know that you are concerned about the feeding of your dog and that for comfort or time you must resort to the food already made. We leave some recommendations that will help you choose the best dog feed.
The first thing to consider is its weight, age, race and size. A good food has to possess a high amount of nutrients to cover all the needs your pet needs.
How to choose the best dog feed?
It's important to know how to read labels well
Ingredients are organized from highest to lowest in terms of quantities. The first three components have more presence and are the ones you should evaluate when making the decision.
The importance of proteins
It is very important that meats appear among the main components, whether dehydrated or fresh.
They are not nutritious for dogs. Do not digest wheat, corn, barley or soybeans. The only exception is rice, which gives it a great source of carbohydrates. You should be careful because more calories than necessary will cause your pet to get fat.
We know it's an important factor, but keep in mind that when the ingredients aren't good they can't assimilate well and will need more abundant amounts. The sack will last you less and you will not provide good nutrition.
To find out if you are assimilating food well, you should look at the droppings. If you do many times a day it means that the digestive system is not absorbing the ingredients well.
Size matters
Finally, keep in mind that the size of the croquette is also important. Small dogs don't have the right jaw to chew big cookies, just as the big ones can choke on small ones, so many beware of this.
You are now ready to choose the best feed for your dog!
How to prevent a dog from biting? Follow these tips
Dogs use the bite as a defense method when they feel uncomfortable, intimidated, scared or threatened. At other times they bite not to bad mind, but to explore and recognize; however, even if they don't realize it, they can hurt us. So that your dog does not have problems in the future, it is better to know how to prevent a dog from biting from the beginning, do everything possible so that it does not acquire the habit of biting. We tell you how to do it.
How to prevent a dog from biting, 10 tips
That a dog bites, especially if it is a dog or someone else, can make us spend an unpleasant moment and get us into trouble. Therefore, it is best to work to avoid it:
1. Always carry your dog on a leash
Although many people are on the loose on public roads, it's illegal. Let us all collaborate to lead a civic life, carry your dog always tied up and you will contribute to the safety of all, also of the dog itself.
Also, remember that if you have a DPI, you must wear muzzle in public spaces.
2. Don't let your dog play with unsupervised children
Even if it is inadvertently, a dog can hurt a child when it only pretends to play. You may not be aware of the strength of your movements and, if the child touches you too much, you will become nervous and there will be a risk of bite. Keep an eye on them!
3. Don't have your dog always tied up
Dogs need activity; if it is always tied it will accumulate energies and become aggressive. Also, don't touch a tied dog or let your dog get close when the other dog isn't cared for by its owner, it might react badly and you just won't be able to handle them both.
4. Socialize your pet with people
If you want to know how to prevent a dog from biting, it all starts with socialization. It is a fundamental part of the education of all dogs and therefore, it is your responsibility. The sooner you start socializing your dog, the easier it will be to avoid problematic behaviors.
5. Also socialize with other dogs
Socialization should also teach your dog to deal with others of its kind, as well as other animals that may be found in its day-to-day life, such as cats.
6. Socialization with the inert
We know as socialization the process in which the dog learns to live and relate positively to everything around him, including the inert! By this we mean everything that your dog is in the day to day, especially on the rides: cars, bicycles, sound... If you don't teach your dog to socialize with these elements, it could develop fear for them and react aggressively when they see them.
7. Don't let your dog feel lonely
Loneliness can cause a lot of anxiety to dogs, remember that it is your responsibility to offer you the care and companionship you need and deserve. Psychological well-being is also health.
8. be responsible for educating your dog
All dogs need to learn basic cohabitation standards and behavioral lessons that will help them communicate with you and interact with everyone around them. Remember that it is your responsibility, as the owner, to give your dog that education.
9. If your dog is aggressive, seek help
If you have a dog that has already given signs of aggressive behavior, it is best to consult the veterinarian as soon as possible to put up early solutions. In severe cases, it may be necessary to see a canine educator or ethnologist.
10. Make sure you can take care of a dog before you buy it
It is very important to understand that dogs need certain conditions to live that you need to comply with. This includes:
Suitable space
Food and other care that involves an economic outlay
Hours of company and dedicated to education
Make sure you live in a dog-friendly environment and that you can spend the time you need. Always look for the one that best suits your character, situation and lifestyle, you will both be happier.
You know how to stop a dog from biting! Ideally, start working to avoid it from the beginning, before problems begin. Better to prevent than to cure.
The types of dog breeds that have the most benefits for people
Among all the types of dog breeds that exist, are those that have the most benefits for people. Have you ever thought about this? In this article we will talk about research that has shown how some animals can bring great benefits to our health.
Dogs are good for our health
Since you live with your furry, you've probably repeated many times that "it's the best thing that's ever happened to you." And you never regret saying it because, indeed, those people who live with dogs have better health and quality of life.
The American Heart Association (AHA) has investigated a number of data that make dogs benefit the health of their owners for the following reasons:
Have lower systolic blood pressure, pulse pressure and average blood pressure
They have a better physique, that is, they are more active in their daily exercise routine
Have lower risks of obesity from walking their dogs
The risk of dying from cardiovascular disease decreases
The types of dog breeds
However, not everything is as we imagined it.
A study of 3.4 million people between 40 and 80 years over a 12-year period in Sweden concluded that all this depends on the breeds of dogs, that some dogs are better than others in terms of health:
The pedigree and its problems
Pedigree is a certification document that states that a dog has a set of quality ancestors, that is, it is the family tree of dogs where it is shown all its generation.
The BBC documentary Pedigree Dogs Exposed explains that for dogs to obtain their pedigree, people often mix animals of the same family and breed, so that they are considered purebred.
However, not all dogs that are purebred are healthy, as they usually present diseases such as syringomyelia which means having a very small skull compared to the brain, or artistries and dysplasia.
How much does pet care cost?
The first time we plan to bring a pet home we have to stop and think about certain aspects: am I in the right place; do I have time to take care of it, and can I keep it financially? Some people embark on the wonderful adventure of having a pet without thinking about the expense that this can entail. There are many factors that can influence the economic cost of pet care to increase beyond what we thought.
How much can we spend on our pets?
In Spain, almost 40% of families are hosting one of the 20 million pets that are accounted for in our country.
A study conducted by has extracted the data indicating the money it can cost us to adopt a pet and take it to our home.
To begin with, if we want to take a dog home, we must have an initial disbursement of 266.82 euros, while the cost of adopting a cat would be somewhat lower, of 235.82.
This would only be, as we said, an initial expense and would be given by the basic things that are needed from day one so that our animals can live healthily.
Vaccines, food, toys...
Our dog would need his first vaccinations, the price of which can be between 100 and 105 euros, with the consequent visit to the veterinarian. In addition, a muzzle for those breeds that need it (an average of 5.45 euros) or a luminous necklace, about 9 euros on average, among other objects, such as a brush, a shampoo and an ant parasitic spray, exceeding 30.45 euros on average.
In the case of the cat we cannot bring it home without its sandbox, a picker and a brush (exceeding 18o on average). In addition, it is usually recommended to place a gate on the door containing a chip and a net if you have a balcony at home to which the cat has access. With both, you'd be in the face of an expense of about 29.84 euros.
In addition, it is to take into account the price of feeders and drinkers, which for cats we can find for an average of 3.82 euros and for dogs of 4.49 euros.
For the beds where our furry ones will rest and the blankets that we can place in them, we can be talking about an expense 7.20 euros for cats and about 20 or more if it is a dog, since their beds are usually larger.
And we haven't mentioned the trips and street trips yet. Transports, ant parasitic collars and in the case of land dogs, hygienic sachets, etc., causes us to spend on cats about 23, 09, while in dogs the figure rises to 72.51.
If we also want our hairy people to have fun, we can't forget bites (11, 90 o'), balls (7.39o), etc.
What factors influence higher or lower pet care expenses?
Pet care starts with these aforementioned expenses, but it should be borne in mind that each year we will also have an expense derived from visits to the veterinarian (about 50 or 55 euros with vaccine).
In the case of cats we should not forget about the 72euros on average per year that we will spend on sand and about 400, 27 euros on their food. If we are going to keep a dog we must know that according to its breed we can spend between 162, 72 and 678 euros per year in food.
In addition, for both cats and dogs, we should consider that, in case of urgency or illness, the expense for your health could be much higher.
After analyzing this data, it is concluded that the total expense of having a cat as a companion is 522.27 euros on average per year, while the expenditure on dogs would vary, depending on its size, between 217.72 and 733 euros.
It is undeniable that the affection that pets give us is priceless, but we must always adopt with conscience and make sure, first of all, that we can give it a dignified life.
Goal Emotion: Emotional management for women with animals
Sometimes, a high pace of life, full of anxiety and stress, causes everything around us to escape from our hands, including our emotions. Goal Emotion helps women regain their emotional balance with methods in which they accompany their pets.
Our emotions affect our animals
In our day to day it is very important to have a proper coexistence with the people who are in our environment (home, work, etc.) and try to ensure that our emotions are always in balance.
Just as it affected us as little people hear a discussion at home and experience the tension between the walls of our home, our pets are affected by those moments of discomfort and anxiety.
Animals have a high sensitivity. This makes them able to notice our emotions and, consequently, be harmed by our moods, influencing their behavior. And this, many times, we forget.
Target Emotion devotes its efforts to helping women, as according to a study of Confab Health, they are more likely to develop emotional disorder. This is because, within the family unit, they tend to have higher demand on a day-to-day basis or carry more weight behind their backs.
Many times, these women end up being dominated by emotions and negative thoughts that overcome them, causing a blockage that gives them no option to think of a solution to such a situation.
When such a situation occurs, our pets are able to perceive these emotions and notice if we feel sad or stressed, synchronizing their own emotions to those of their humans. Therefore, in times of emotional difficulty, more than ever, we must not forget that they are part of our family, beings that we have to care for and include them in the search for solutions. Remember that the behavioral problems that appear in them will be a reflection of a problem of ours.
Methods for emotional management with pets
The purpose of Goal Emotion is to create a situation of harmony between families and their pets, with women and their faithful furry companions as protagonists.
To do this, this online company works together with both profiles to try to solve emotional problems, since it is useless to work individually the behavior of a dog, if the basic problem is in the human. Teamwork is critical.
With the different therapies we want to get the woman to increase her self-esteem, reduce her stress, enhance her independence, etc. and, consequently, her pets feel the same well-being as their owners, transforming their attitude at home and with their entire Environment.
For this purpose, Objective Emotion offers various services. If you want to put yourself in their hands you will have training both online and face-to-face; personalized advice for the resolution of your conflicts, which you can carry out via Skype, telephone or in person; personal development techniques, such as Bach Flowers or empowerment. They also provide their users with resources and tools such as podcasts, guides or e-books with information and have an emotional support network.
In addition, for Goal Emotion is very important group work and therefore they work with an affiliate program. This makes the result as complete as possible. Canine educators, residences, psychologists, coaches, pet-friendly companies, etc., are part of this program.
With them and thanks to the help of Goal Emotion, women who wish will be able to remedy their emotional conflicts and find the perfect balance between them, their emotions and their pets.
Caring for your pet: the importance of washing your plate of food
Everyone who has animals at home knows, or should know, that an essential part of caring for your pet is to provide them with a good diet. However, it is often overlooked that it is essential to keep the dish where we serve food and water clean.
Why is it important to wash the food plate for your pet's care?
It is wrong to think that pet feed or water leaves no residue in bowls intended for feeding.
If a lot of time goes by without them being cleaned, when you do, you will notice a mucous layer that can affect the body of the animal, because not all have a constitution strong enough to cope.
That your pet is much eaten and relaxes the dish until almost leaving it colorless, does not mean that it is completely clean, since there will always be small remains that will lead to multiple viruses.
And the same goes for the water bowl. Do you know how many bacteria can inhabit it? You can't even imagine...
Yeast, mold and a multitude of parasites can live in these dishes, passing to your pet's body if no special care is taken.
How do I wash your pet's food bowls?
After conducting a study of 22 families, after analyzing 30 household objects, it was discovered that pet dishes ranked fourth in the amount of bacteria.
Cleaning does not require much effort, but it is advisable to do so practically daily.
First, you can use a kitchen paper to remove all leftover food or fat left on the plate.
Then, we can use a sponge and some soap for a deeper cleaning. However, we must remember that kitchen sponges are at the forefront in the germ possession ranking, so a specific scouring pad should be used for these bowls. And as we do with the kitchen, change it regularly.
Finally, we will wash the bowls with plenty of hot water to remove all traces of soap. If residues of the product are left, it could be toxic to our animals and cause them as serious an evil as that of viruses.
So you know if you're really concerned about taking care of your pet, take note of these tips to keep him healthy and happy.
Canicross canine training: go for a run with your dog
How many times have we put as an excuse to go out and do sports that we are lazy to do alone? And who doesn't agree that our pet is the best company? Well, we've got the solution! Today we tell you what you should know about canine training for canicross, or what is the same, the basics to go for a run with your dog.
Keys to canine training for canicross
Taking the time out outside to exercise is always a good option, but it will be even better if we share those moments with our furry companion.
Some breeds need to exercise more daily than others, but all need to follow guidelines when practicing canicross.
The first thing to know is that workouts must be progressive. You may be an experienced runner, but your dog is starting from scratch. Gradually increasing both speed and distance, but don't forget that during canicross races you don't usually exceed 7 kilometers of travel.
The dog must always run in front of the person. It must be the dog pulling us, adjusting our rhythm to yours. You have to be very aware of their rhythm so as not to tire them out, but never to force them. This should be taken into account both in training and at the time of the race.
When you're designing the route you're going to follow, think about your dog. It will be easier for him to run through dirt and mountain places than by asphalt. Remember, you're going to wear proper shoes, but they're not. And we don't want them to hurt their pads, do we? Finally, if you're on your canicross trail, there's a river or fountain nearby where you can drink water, better than better.
And very important... don't lose your motivation and pass it on to your hairy! From the first moment you start canicross you must motivate you’re pet to make the race go great. Use a proper tone of voice so you don't think you scold him when you give him orders and caresses and prizes when he's good at keeping him happy.
Having fun is the first thing, don't forget!
Elements needed for canicross
When it comes to canine training for canicross, you'll need to have certain items that you can buy in physical stores or online.
Among the most necessary are a lumbar belt for the runner, a canicross harness for our furry and a line of fire.
The lumbar belt will be hooked with a carabineer to the firing line. These belts, being padded, will cause the strength of our dog's pulls to go to the middle ground and do not cause injury.
The firing line will bind you to the furry runner. It is a fairly long strap (about two meters or more) that consists of a firm part and an elastic part. The latter is the one that cushions the pulls.
The canicross harness can be long (covering your entire back) or short (only half) and your choice will depend on the size of the dog. Like our belt, your harness is padded so you don't get hurt when pulling, distributing all the effort across your spine.
Have you taken note? Then don't waste time and start canicross training as soon as possible! You and your dog friend will thank you.
Breastfeeding in dogs: know all about this period
If your dog has just had puppies, a period begins in which you must take into account many details. If you want to know a little more about the characteristics and care of breastfeeding in dogs, we invite you to continue reading.
How long does the lactation period last in dogs?
The lactation period in dogs begins when the female gives birth and lasts up to 6 or 8 weeks later, when weaning of the puppies occurs.
It is very important that, during pregnancy, you pay special attention to the feeding of the dog.
This will make the milk to breastfeed your little ones of very good quality.
In addition, the mother's good feeding will also make her produce a lot of milk, essential for feeding the new furry well.
After delivery, vitamin supplements won't be too much, as the newly released mom will expend a lot of energy during this period.
Take care of her and pamper her so much!
Important care during breastfeeding
To begin with, once the puppies are born, make sure that each puppy can access a nipple of their mother.
This is as obvious as it is fundamental, since the first shots are super important and we cannot neglect this aspect.
In excessively large litters, it establishes feeding shifts to keep them all under control. Don't let anyone run out of your little comate!
The hairy ones will not be born very strong and this first milk, known as colostrum, will provide nutrients and some antibodies that will help protect them against disease.
The hairy mom will continue to produce milk in the following weeks at birth to feed her little ones.
As we said, this will cause you a lot of energy wear, so you'll see how it requires more food and drink than usual. Provide it and make it accessible to her, as she won't want to leave her children.
During the lactation period in dogs, the female who has just given birth will need about 5 food shots a day.
If you ate bad food, it would influence the quality of your milk and, consequently, the health of your puppies and their growth.
Keep an eye on the environment
The temperature of the room where the mother and newborns are located should be adequate to not cause hypothermia in the young ones.
After feeding shots, you should try to get the mom up and walk to stretch her paws and make her needs away from the puppies.
Remember, you're going to have a hard time separating from your litter! So insist. This way you can also check the body condition of the bitch, especially her breasts.
The puppies will be sucking several weeks quite often a day (every 2-4 hours), so it's normal for the mom's nipples to suffer some damage. If you notice irritation, consult your veterinarian so that it does not suffer.
As in women, breastfeeding is wonderful and important, but it requires an effort on the part of mothers.
Breastfeeding is not just a period of feeding. So is learning for the little ones and their mother will take care of it. Don't forget this and try not to burden the new family so as not to cause them anxiety.
How to start practicing canicross, run with your dog!
Canicross training is an excellent option in many ways: it helps the dog to exercise, keeps him motivated on a mental level, he has fun, and he spends time outdoors... And most importantly, he spends time with you.
Do you want to take your dog to canicross? We'll show you how to get started.
Can all dogs practice canicross?
In principle, any dog with normal physical and health conditions can practice canicross. But it's true that some perform it better than others or get more performance. In this sense, race plays a fundamental role. Yes, there are breeds more suitable than others for the practice of canicross.
Canicross is included in the Royal Spanish Winter Sports Federation. Its rules state that dogs of any breed can participate in their competitions provided that:
They are in the proper physical condition.
They've passed all the veterinary checks.
Have the mandatory microchip implanted.
Be at least one year old and have a maximum of 10.
As we say, any dog that meets these standards can participate. But, as you can imagine, not all breeds are the same in canicross training: it is not the same as a Chihuahua or a Yorkshire terrier as a German shepherd, for example.
In addition, it is recommended that you do not practice canicross snout dogs, such as pugs, Boston terriers or French bulldogs, as they usually have breathing problems. These dogs usually experience brachycephalic syndrome, which hinders the flow of air in their respiratory system.
The most appropriate dogs for canicross training are those of Nordic breeds, such as the Siberian husky or the Alaskan malamute.
His speed and physical endurance are impressive!
Tips for motivating a dog to practice canicross
Canicross training can start from 6 months of dog age. The sooner you start, the better your performance in the future will adapt well and get used to an activity that you will enjoy a lot. It is very important to remember this: canicross training aims to amuse the dog, it is not an obligation; therefore, do not be demanding or treat him with contempt or aggression. The important thing is that I have a good time.
If you run with him and he gets tired, don't force him to go on, stop. Probably, if you're used to running, you can do 10 or 20 km easily, but your training should be progressive. Don't force him to make more effort than he can or will. It will be bad for your health and will also create an aversion to canicross.
One of the biggest complications in the early life of canicross is getting the dog to run in front of us and in a straight line, without deviating or getting off the side. It will probably happen during the first few days: it will play with the firing line, say hello to other dogs... So that it does not happen, communication between you is paramount. If you say words of encouragement or motivation, you'll get him to perform more training. Always use positive reinforcement. "Good!" or "come on!" are good words to keep you motivated in exercise.
Be patient. It's normal to be distracted by everything, but if you do it right, little by little your love of canicross will grow... until it becomes one of your favorite activities!
Patience, perseverance and motivation are the three pillars to achieve a good performance in canicross training.
If you want to continue practicing this sport with your pet, discover all the tips for practicing canicross.
Raw dog meat: is it good for your diet?
The issue of whether raw dog meat is good for them creates a lot of controversy. Like everything else, feeding your pet uncooked meat has its pros and cons, and today we're going to get you out of doubt.
Raw dog meat: good or bad?
On the one hand, we must clarify that the essence of canine feeding is carnivorous and that its organism is perfectly adapted to eat raw meat.
Her teeth are strong enough to tear her apart. Digestive juices and saliva help assimilate meat proteins. Your intestine is short, so the meat does not rot during digestion and your stomach is prepared for it.
Throughout history dogs have fed on raw meat, since years ago there were no special feed for them and they survived.
Perhaps the domestication of our furry friends has changed certain aspects of their digestive physiology, but the essence remains the same. With all this, we can say that there would be no problem in giving them raw meat.
However, in uncooked meat you can find certain parasites or pathogens that, if ingested, could cause serious health problems in your furry friend.
That's why you should offer them quality food. And, above all, extreme precautions if you feel that you’re hairy are a little weak.
How do I give my dog raw meat?
If you have finally decided that raw dog meat is a good choice, take note of some tips. The most important thing is to know how to treat it!
First, if you want to avoid certain infections for your dog (salmonella, trichinosis), you can freeze the meat for two days before it eats it.
Another option is to pass it through the iron, but many disagree with this because they think it takes away intent from the issue.
Within your furry diet, meat will be the protagonist, although it shouldn't be the only thing you eat.
Meat has many nutrients, but not all that it needs. Remember!
The rations should be small and repeated two to three times a day, depending on the size of your pet.
When selecting a type of raw dog meat, choose goat, cow or sheep. If your dog is small breed, it will be better to bird or rabbit.
Leftover lean meat is good choice and more affordable than shopping for steaks every day for your furry. Even if you ask him, I'm sure he'd prefer it!
By the way, avoid the viscera! They're very harmful to them.
When it's time to feed it, if you've taken out frozen meat, let it completely defrost and stay at room temperature.
Finally, before serving it, chop the meat, without ever chopping it.
If bones are on your menu, make sure they're not thin and pointed (like chicken) that can tear your dog's throat.
Will you like it?
If you have doubts about whether to give raw meat to your dog, try it. You can put it in a bowl and another meat and he'll choose.
His primary instincts may make him direct to the flesh even if it's the first time you've offered it, but never force your dog to eat raw meat if he's not used to it.
Toxic foods for dogs: What they should never eat
Many of our dear hairy people haunt us as we eat claiming what we take to our mouths. Sometimes, we don't think about it and give them a try, not knowing that it can really be very dangerous for them. Today we're talking about toxic food for dogs.
List of toxic food for dogs
Take good note of the following foods. These are totally forbidden for our furry if you don't want to do them great harm.
Grapes and raisins
Even if you've ever given your furry grapes or derivatives of it, like the pass, and nothing happened to it, you'd better not repeat it.
Hairy ones are not tolerant to this fruit and could cause very severe kidney failure.
The biggest problem with our dogs consuming dairy is that they are not able to digest lactose. Taking them could cause damage to your four-legged friend's gastrointestinal system.
Diarrhea, vomiting, pain... do you think its worth dairy? Totally ruled out!
What can start as a bad joke to see what your dog does if he drinks alcohol, it can end in death for your furry.
Alcohol is poisonous to them because they don't tolerate it. Don't offer him any of this drink!
Mm mm... We love chocolate! And yes, our dogs love it too, but it's tremendously harmful to them.
Chocolate is one of the worst toxic foods for dogs. This is due to the toxin called the bromine, present in cocoa from its seed. It doesn't do us any harm, but it's dangerous for them. Taking it in large quantities can cause diarrhea, heart problems, and even death.
Apples, plums and other seeds
How wonderful fruits are to us, and how harmful they can be to them.
Actually, the problem with these fruits is his bone. For starters, the dog swallowing this part of the fruit can cause an obstruction that prevents him from breathing and dying.
In addition, the seeds have a small amount of cyanide that dogs are unable to assimilate.
Bones should also be found on this list of toxic foods for dogs. However, their danger is given by the way we offer them to our perpetrators.
Never uncool them! The reason: the bones that have passed through the kitchen are easily chipped in the face of the bites of our dogs. Can you imagine the damage these splinters can do in our pet's throat or gastrointestinal system?
Onion and garlic
The list of problems caused by these foods in our furry foods is too long, but renal failure and anemia stand out as a result of sulfide consumption.
Although it is not very common to give a piece of raw onion to our pet, it can be contained by leftovers from our food. Be very careful!
The liver
Another prohibited dog food if given in large quantities. Why in large quantities? Vitamin A containing the liver is good for them in small doses; however, in large amounts it can be dangerous.
Potato, avocado and tomato
Avocado can be very healthy for us, but it contains persona and this can attack your dog's digestive system.
Tomatoes and potatoes are also very dangerous because of some toxins they contain. If your hairy eats these foods it can fall very sick, even reach the coma. Don't let him!
Other toxic foods for dogs
But these aren't the only dangerous foods for our four-legged friends.
Caffeine is liquid poison to them; salt can cause seizures; nuts have too much phosphorus that they can't familiar; mushrooms contain toxins harmful to them; Etc.
Have you taken good note of what your furry should not prove? Take care of your diet and health!
All about sled dogs
Do you like sled dogs? They are fascinating and precious animals! We're used to seeing them in movies, but what are these dogs really like? If you want to find out more about them, read on! We have a lot to tell you about these mind-blowing dogs.
What sled dogs look like?
Sled dogs are strong and resistant, able to withstand really low temperatures and direct contact with rain and snow. These dogs of Nordic origin were already trained thousands of years ago to support and transport both people and goods, which was especially useful for connecting small isolated mountain villages with larger urban centers. In cold countries, the management of human life would have been impossible without the invaluable help of these four-legged heroes.
The origin of sled dogs is found in The Nordic and Polar Wolves, although later these ancestors crossed with different dogs, which resulted in lots of different breeds that we have present today.
Dog sledding is believed to be one of the oldest modes of transport in the world, the pioneers were the Eskimos as early as 1000 BC.
Sled dogs have literally saved people's lives on various occasions. In the 1920s there was a horrible outbreak of diphtheria in Alaska and only dogs were able to transport the drugs where it was needed. Other means of transport already existed, but they were not useful at all for that mission.
Today, some Nordic and polar tribes continue to use sled dogs as their main transport. However, there is also mushing, a sport in which dog sledding becomes a mode of exercise and leisure.
Sled dog breeds
According to the FCI, the ones that are officially considered sled dog breeds are:
Siberian husky: originating in Siberia, they are loving, faithful, curious dogs and have great physical endurance. For both mushing and pet life, huskies are truly popular dogs all over the world.
Samoyed: this Russian dog is an excellent working dog, besides being sweet, beautiful and very sociable. Although they are stubborn and difficult to train, they can become excellent sled dogs.
Greenland dog: it is believed that this breed still bears much similarity with its ancestors wolves; indeed, instead of barking, howls. It is really resistant, strong and able to withstand low temperatures. It is a stubborn and independent dog.
Alaskan malamute: very similar to husky in appearance, although larger, Alaskan malamute is perhaps the oldest sled dog and the most popular for its great abilities.
Although these are the breeds recognized as official for sledding, there are other dogs of similar characteristics that are also used. Moreover, these dogs are excellent life partners.
Do you have any of these dogs and would you like to mush with him? Check out our tips!
Advantages of having pet insurance
Although the health of our best friend concerns us and we always want to provide you with the best care for your well-being, sometimes unforeseen events arise that require veterinary care and that are a great expense that we did not have. Having insurance taken out can help you on those occasions. That's why today we talk about the advantages of having pet insurance.
Multiple benefits of having pet insurance
You'll save on your vet visits
Visits to the vet are very important for the health of your furry friend. You know that, at the very least, you must keep your mandatory vaccinations up to date.
The problem can when an emergency visit arises and more if it requires surgery.
With pet insurance, you can rest assured that these appointments will be covered without a start out of your pocket.
It is also true that an occasional review is also uneven and it has been shown that people, who take out pet insurance, take the vet more often to their best friend in the face of any symptoms.
You'll have liability insurance
Although not all races require liability insurance, there is no need to have it.
In the event of any incident against third parties, this insurance will protect you from the possible damages caused.
Permanent assistance, no matter day or time
Problems never warn. Sometimes your four-legged friend will need help no matter what Saturday morning.
That’s why with pet insurance you’ll be covered and has veterinary phone support 7 days a week, every day of the year and at any time.
Choose your trusted vet
With pet insurance you will have access to a fairly large picture of clinics as well as professionals.
Sometimes visits to the vet can cause stress on your pet. That is why it is very important that you find a good professional who becomes your trusted veterinarian and that you gradually get to know each other.
In addition, in the face of possible diseases, it is better for your veterinarian to have access to your pet's entire clinical history, to know what could have caused the ailment. With your insurance you can find the most suitable professional.
The possibility to choose between various insurance modalities
The best thing, when it comes to hiring pet insurance, is that you can choose between different modalities, depending on what best suits you and your pet.
Normally, you can find insurance with one form of basic benefits and a much broader one. This is the case with Adela’s pet insurance.
With the insurance of this leading company you can choose between a basic and a complete mode. This complete mode will provide you with the benefits of the basic, in addition to more specific ones, such as unlimited veterinary consultations.
As great animal lovers we want the best for them and, when selecting a pet insurance, what better than to put them in the hands of a company of total confidence backed by their experience and professionalism.
With a good insurance for pets you will have all the benefits mentioned and the peace of mind of leaving the health of your best friend under the care of great professionals.
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