Everything you need to know about canine menstruation!
Canine menstruation is as natural a process as menstruation in women. Knowing its phases will help you take care of your little dog in those moments!
Signs of canine menstruation
Bleeding: Vaginal bleeding is the most obvious symptom of menstruation, but not the only one.
The vulva becomes inflamed: from the first stage of the cycle, the vulva will develop some swelling. The size of the inflammation will vary depending on the dog.
Nipple swelling: it doesn't always happen, but it can happen.
Excitement: the bitch can change her mood and be more excited.
Attraction to males: during the second stage of the cycle, the dog will begin to be more receptive to males.
Upright Rabbi: The bitch can keep her tail high when ready to mate. In addition, it will move it a lot so that its smell reaches the males.
Phases of canine menstruation
A dog usually reaches her sexual maturity between 9 and 12 months, although it can vary depending on her race. With that sexual maturity appears the first menstrual cycle of the bitch. This cycle will be repeated every 6 months, although there are breeds in which the cycle lasts longer than normal, with which, it only happens once a year.
Canine menstruation consists of four phases:
Protestor: This first phase lasts about 9 days, although it can be extended up to 17 days. In it, the vulva swells and the bitch secretes a brown flow with reddish touches. At this stage, estrogen is the most important hormone, as it takes care of starting the cycle.
Estrus: the average duration of this phase is 9 days, but as each bitch is a world (like each woman) it can happen that the stage lasts between 3 and 21 days. At this time, the flow already becomes more pink or straw.
At the end of the protester and starting this stage, estrogen levels drop and luteinizing hormone and progesterone begin to rise, favoring ovulation and making the bitch more receptive to males.
Right-handed: the stage lasts between 50 and 80 days, again depending on the bitch. During this phase, the animal's body behaves as if it were pregnant, which can lead to a psychological pregnancy.
Ancestor: this last phase is the longest in the cycle. It lasts between 130 and 250 days. It is a stage in which are not sexually active, just their body prepares for the next cycle.
How do I take care of my bitch during menstruation?
Since a bitch reaches her sexual maturity and has her first period, a pregnancy can already occur.
If you don't want your pet to have offspring, be sure to sterilize it so it doesn't happen. Unwanted litters have an on-time solution!
On the other hand, during this time when the bitch is so receptive, you should be careful with brucellosis, a highly contagious bacterial disease. It can cause infertility in dogs or an abortion if your dog is pregnant.
You should also know that it's best you don't bathe your bitch until it stops bleeding. This way you'll avoid a vaginal infection.
Finally, during the time of canine menstruation, your dog can change her mood. Be patient with her and give her a lot of love!