Is it bad that your dog licks you? Know the risks!

I don't love that our dog shows us his love in every way possible! One of the most used by them is the licks. But is it bad for your dog to lick you? Well, the truth is, it can have certain risks. We talked about it!

Why it's bad for your dog to lick you
Before we go on to explain why it's bad for your dog to lick you, or rather, why i shouldn't, we want to try to make one thing clear: you're no less animal lover for not letting your dog lick you and neither are you anymore.

However, we need to talk to you about a bacterium called Capnocytophaga. The little bug naturally inhabits the mouth of the canes. Yours may not have it, but according to one study, 74% of dogs have this bacterium. It can also be found in cats.

Capnocytophaga can lead to serious infections in people if it reaches their body.

A few months ago there was a well-known case worldwide. One dog licked a wound on his owner and the infection that caused the bacteria was so great that they had to amputate the woman's four limbs.

While it is true that the infection occurs very rarely, it also tends to affect people who for some reason have weakened immune systems.

Best of all, prevention
Yes, it's true that it's bad for your dog to lick you, but you don't have to obsess either.

It's okay if your dog is in playful mode and gives you kisses on your hands or face. He does it because he's fond of you or because he wants to get your attention, never out of evil.

If that happens, use logic: by hygiene you will wash them and end the problem. And yes, do it, because whether or not your pet has that bacteria, remember that they know the world through their mouth. They take everything to her, even the poop, sometimes!

Another story is if you're licked by a wound... there the thing can be dangerous. This is generally: a wound is an open door to your body for all microorganisms.

Symptoms of infection are very varied and can occur in one day or several, depending on the case.

Usually the signs are those of any infection: vomiting, diarrhea, fever, swelling in the wound, pus or muscle or joint pains.

If the bacteria enter through a wound and spreads, gangrene may appear and, in extreme cases, kidney failure and even a heart attack may occur. Obviously, if your dog has licked a wound, clean it as best you can and go to the doctor right away.

As you can see, being licked by a dog can have its risks if it does so in a wound. Avoid this and everything will be fine!