The 7 dangers of walking your dog
It is not debatable whether our dog should be taken for a walk: it is absolutely necessary. However, when we go out on the street with our pet, we may face certain problems. We talked to you about the dangers of walking your dog. You can meet them!
The 7 most frequent dangers of walking your dog
As we have said, it is not debatable the importance for our friends that the moment of the walk has to be. Just as for cats it is not necessary, for them is essential.
Beyond the practical tips for walking your dog that we can give you in order for that moment to pass in the best possible way, today we want to talk to you that there are some dangers when walking your dog that may happen and that you do not wait.
1. Fights with other dogs
Dog aggressiveness can be the result of poor training and little socialization. We know that it is very important that our furry people relate to others of the same species so that they get used to their presence.
During the walks, from a very young age, we must let the dogs greet each other, because in this way they will recognize their fellow.
However, if your dog is very aggressive or you know that in the area you walk with your dog there are dangerous dogs, try to avoid their encounters during the walk so that there are no fights.
2. Outrages
Although it may happen that your dog escapes even carrying it on a leash (you can slip out of your hands), this is one of those dangers when walking your dog that occur, especially if you have it loose.
Remember that going for a walk without a leash requires prior training that you should not overlook if you want to keep your dog safe from cars.
3. Stress
If your dog isn't too used to leaving home, the day you do it can be quite stressful for him.
The amount of stimuli you will receive suddenly can cause you great anxiety, especially because of the noise pollution in cities.
4. Dehydration
It is essential that you always carry a bottle of water for your pet with you.
You won't always be able to have a fountain nearby for your dog to drink, so make sure that it can always hydrate.
5. Infections and poisonings
Infections that can affect your dog are many and many cause, from parvovirus to conjunctivitis.
It is very important that your pet has its vaccinations up to date to avoid diseases, but also that you pay attention to what is brought to your dog's mouth.
Unfortunately, we are surrounded by bad people who drop in areas frequented by animal’s poisoned or nail-filled food in order to kill them. A lot of eye!
Similarly, you can inadvertently pass it through an area where pesticides and poisons have been thrown out for other animals and your dog is an indirect victim of them.
We can also relate it to the previous point: always bring fresh water for your animal and prevent it from drinking standing water from the puddles. You may suffer serious gastrointestinal consequences!
6. External parasites
Just as it's important for your dog to be vaccinated, it's also important that it's depredated. It is one of the dangers when walking your dog that most often affects.
Not everyone pays the same attention to their pets, some have external parasites and when they go out on the street, if your pet is not ready, they can pass them on.
7. Injuries
You have to be very careful where we take our dog for a ride.
For example, if you're walking down the street, take great care not to go through a place with glass on the floor. And if you go up the mountain, you have to be careful with the terrain so that your pads do not suffer or that it does not fall off an uneven surface.