Yes, pollution affects pets

You could say that pollution is slowly killing us. The whole planet is affected by this evil and, unfortunately, our pets are not spared from the consequences. A recent study explains that pollution affects pets more than we think. We talked about it!

Pollution affects pets, especially their smell
That's right; the most affected sense in dogs and cats because of pollution is smell.

The studies and reports of the World Health Organization always warn us of all the harmful consequences that pollution has on us.

Now, research from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, also puts on the table the reality of animals and pollution. And it can seriously affect your smell.

One of the main recommendations that is made to prevent our pets from getting sick or losing the capacity of this sense because of the nefarious air that is breathed in some cities is not to walk for a long time on the public road.

In this way, the exposure to the fumes expelled by the vehicles will be lower.

Pollution affects pets, but does they all?
Continuously breathing polluted air affects us all, including all animals.

However, as we know, there are breeds that are more likely than others to suffer respiratory problems.

We are talking about those brachycephalic (or flat nose) breeds, such as the Pugs or the Bulldogs. In the case of cats, we could talk about the Persians or the Himalayas.

When animals breathe contaminated particles, they are usually expelled in the form of mucus, but in these cases in particular their airways are not the same, they suffer malformations that complicate their breathing and the consequences are worse.

In them the effects of pollution are more evident and are reflected in increased sneezing, tearing and irritations of both the airways and eyes.

Unfortunately, we can't end that evil overnight, but if we can protect our pets from it.

As we said before, avoid walking them near the streets with a lot of traffic.

Also, if your city gives warning of high pollution, avoid getting too much exercise outside and staying outdoors for too long. Better prepare them a clean and cool place inside the house where you have access to your food and drink. Think that if your food or water is left out, they could be affected by polluting particles.