Everything you need to know about tracheid’s in dogs
If you notice that your dog has a throat problem, it might be a disease that affects his windpipe. Today we're going to focus on talking about tracheids in dogs.
What is tracheid’s in dogs?
When we talk about tracheid’s we are referring to an inflammation of the trachea. However, if you are not diagnosed by a professional, you could get mistaken for a digestive problem.
This is because the cough that causes tracheid’s can lead to nausea and vomiting that can cause such confusion.
Tracheids in dogs can be infectious (whether it comes from the cough of the kennel lies or is an infectious tracheobronchitis) or not.
If it's not infectious, it could have been caused by a strong pull of the strap that goes to your neck or barks for a long time, for example.
Symptoms of tracheid’s in dogs
Symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the tracheid’s or its origin. However, in general, dogs with this condition usually have a very sudden and intense cough (paroxysmal cough).
This cough can occur on its own, at certain times during the day, or it can appear after moments of excitement or effort.
Coughing itself usually aggravates the problem, as it increases inflammation.
Other symptoms of the disease may include continued tiredness of the dog, shortness of breath or restlessness of the animal.
What can I do to cure my dog?
The best thing you can do to improve your dog's health is to take it to the vet. As we said at the beginning, tracheids in dogs can be confused with a digestive problem, so it is necessary for a professional to determine the ailment.
Once it has been clarified that this is tracheids, treatment will consist of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and/or anti-tumors if the cough is very strong. It will all depend on the severity of the situation and your puppy.
In addition, it will be important that your dog is in a place where it does not go cold, since low temperatures can aggravate the problem.
Your veterinarian will also recommend a diet where food doesn't hurt your pet when swallowing.
But don't worry, with this treatment and all the pampering your per rete deserves, it will soon be perfect again!