Mistakes made in departing pets

If you have pets you will know that it is something you should not forget. But do you know how to properly DE parasitizes your furry? Maybe you're making some of these mistakes.

Most common mistakes when departing pets
Your pet's health will be in your hands from the first day it comes into your life. The vet is responsible for giving you all the indications about your health if you don't know them.

One such indication is deparasite. Pay as much attention as possible to your words, because it is quite common to make these mistakes.

1. Do not repeat the taking of the ant parasitic a few days later
It is normal that if the DE parasitic is oral, it is administered in several shots.

The second is usually given at 15 days and is absolutely necessary for the treatment to take effect.

2. Think that an ant parasitic will remove all parasites.
There are many types of parasites and a single ant parasitic can't wipe them all out.

Let's start with the basics: there are internal parasites like worms, larvae... but also external, such as fleas and ticks. Desperation your pet both on the outside and inside is important.

But this isn't there, and it's that an internal depressive man may not be able to wipe out all the bugs if it's not one of the so-called "broad spectrums." In addition, there are some treatments that attack specific parasites and that only are given if they are aware of their existence.

3. Not making sure the pet has swallowed the ant parasitic
When it comes to de-parasitizing your furry orally, you have to be very patient.

Many of these treatments have a taste that doesn't please animals at all, so it's enough for your pet to spit or vomit.

A lot of eye with inserting it into your mouth and turning you around: the ant parasitic might not reach your stomach.

4. Meditating on animals on our own
What a grave mistake! We're not just talking about giving a pet a human drug (it could kill him!), but administering pet medication without having passed through the vet.

Well, the same with the de-parasitic. The main thing is that a professional checks your pet and is the one who recommends the appropriate parasite treatment for the animal.

5. DE parasitize without regard to the weight of the pet
And this is linked to the previous point. The ant parasitic dose is according to the weight of the animal, so the right thing to do is always to check it first in a clinic.

It is not appropriate to desperation your pet taking into account only the data of the latest DE parasite, since it may have lost weight since then and you could overdose your dog or, otherwise, sub-emphasize and that the treatment does not take effect.

6. Thinking that it is enough to de-parade 1 or 2 times a year
No de-maker is powerful enough to protect your pet for a whole year.

Depending on the type of treatment you use, the repeat dose will be specific. There are some that need to be administered every month.

7. Deparasite a single pet by having more
The normal thing is that if we have several pets at home we pay the same attention to all.

However, it may happen that at a certain point, one of them needs veterinary care and takes the opportunity to de-parasitize it. What about the others? You can't put them aside, it's counterproductive.

8. Just de-parasitize when there is no choice
Another of the most common mistakes is remembering the deparasit of our pet when it is already infected and there is no choice but to solve it. Remember that prevention is always better!

Tips for properly de-positing your pet

Exposed to the most common known mistakes when de-parasitize pets, let's give you some brief advice.

Remember that it is the veterinarian who should always assess the health of your pet and only he can recommend treatments, including DE parasite.
Repeat the doses as often as your professional indicates.
If you opt for a DE parasitic without knowing the exact weight of your pet, look for one whose dose is classified by weight range and choose the one that suits the animal.
If you don't find yourself able to administer an oral ant parasitic, ask about any alternatives that apply to your skin. Not only are there treatments like this for external parasites, but also for inmates.
The use of home remedies for external parasites is advised as a method of prevention, but veterinary recognition is always advisable.

It deposits all pets from home at once to prevent them from spreading to others.