Heatstroke in dogs: what to do and how to prevent it
Heat is a great enemy of our furry, because not sweating like us affects them much more. Therefore, we will explain what to do in the face of a heatstroke in dogs, but also how to prevent it. Your pet's life is at stake!
Why are dogs prone to heatstroke?
As we said, dogs don't have the same amount of sweat glands as humans. The only ways they have to eliminate heat and regulate their temperature is through the panting and sweat that comes out of the pads that have their legs.
That is why, especially in summer, when the sun gets tighter, we must pay close attention to temperatures and prevent our pet from sparking a lot of time in the sun. The heat affects them much faster than we do!
Heatstroke in dogs is very common if the necessary measures are not taken and, in addition, it is excessively serious, being able to end their life in a few minutes.
The most common symptoms of heatstroke in the hairy are general weakness, incessant gasps, apathy, rapid breathing, tremors, acceleration of the beats and drove.
If your dog has been exposed to heat and you notice these symptoms, it is vital that you know how to act properly!
What do I do in the face of a heatstroke in dogs?
During a heatstroke, your dog's temperature can rise to more than 42 degrees, being the norm in them 38o or 39o. So what you have to do is freshen it up.
Obviously we are facing a serious problem that must be seen by a veterinarian, but first you must help your pet.
First, take it to an area sheltered from the heat. It may well be a shaded area where the air runs or an indoor area where there is cools.
Take fresh water, but NOT FRI, and refresh your neck and head. You can pour water in your hands or moisten a cloth, but never leave it covered with that wet cloth.
Offer him water to drink. If you feel like it, make sure he doesn't drink too much; it can make him look bad! If you don't feel like it, at least moisten your mouth a little. Never force him to drink!
To promote your blood circulation and return to strength, you can massage your limbs gently.
And remember! Even if your dog recovers, you're prompted to take him to the vet to make sure he's completely fine.
Can I prevent heatstroke in dogs?
Of course! It's up to you that your dog doesn't get a heat stroke. Take note of these tips!
One of the most common causes of heatstroke in dogs is to leave them locked in the car on a hot day. It's a certain death for them! Never leave your dog in a car in the summer.
Similarly, never leave it tied on the outside without a shaded area.
Take him for a walk first thing in the morning and late in the afternoon. If you have to take it out at central times, let it be just to do your needs. Walk through the shade and always, before you step on the street floor or asphalt, apply the 5-second rule to avoid other problems, such as burning the pads.
Adapt the exercise. In summer we can also train with our dog following some tips so that there are no problems!
Make it always available to you fresh and clean water. If it's too hot, change it as many times as it takes so it doesn't take it hot.
As you can see, it's not complicated to avoid a heat stroke in dogs and if, unfortunately it happens, you know how to act to save your pet!