Types of allergy in dogs: what are the most common allergies?

Our dog stays are not exempt from allergies and, as in our case, for them they are also very annoying. Therefore, it is essential to determine what has caused it and to put a treatment that makes them better. Today we talk about allergies in dogs.

Types of allergy in dogs
There are several types of allergy and no dog is free to suffer it.

Dermal allergy
This type of allergy occurs when a product comes into contact with our dog's skin directly.

We could be talking about a shampoo or cologne (even if it's pet-specific), the type of fabric your bedsit is lined with, the collar you're wearing or the collar's own veneer, as well as many other elements.

Food allergy
Produced by one or more of the food ingredients your dog has eaten. Common food allergens include dairy products, maize or wheat. A lot of an eye on what your pet takes!

Atopic allergy
Of the types of allergy in dogs, this is perhaps the most difficult to prove. This is because atopic allergy occurs when your furry immune system reacts to a substance it has been able to sniff.

It can be caused by an air freshener, by the pollen of plants and even by smoke from a cigar. Be careful if you're a smoker!

Other types of allergy
Within this section it is worth including those allergies that are caused by external parasites, such as the bite and saliva of fleas and ticks.

Remember that it is super important to desparasite your dog!

Symptoms and treatments
The symptoms that can cause any of these types of allergy in dogs are varied.

Among the most common are sneezing, irritation and continuous itching, hair loss, rash, red eyes... but vomiting and diarrhea can also occur, among others.

Therefore, it is very important that in any symptom you go to the veterinarian, since a vomit or diarrhea can also be a sign of another disease.

The professional will perform the necessary tests on your pet to determine what caused the canine allergy.

Various allergy tests for dogs can be performed, such as the disposal method, blood tests or intradermal injections.

Once the cause has been clarified, appropriate treatment may be established based on the type of allergy causing it. For example, special creams antihistamines or hypoallergenic feed if the cause is a food allergy.