Respiratory diseases in the most common dogs

Respiratory diseases in dogs are more common than you might think. In fact, there are many different ones that can affect our furry; in this post we talk about the most frequent ones and we tell you what their characteristics are. Read on and find out!

Respiratory diseases in dogs

The respiratory system of dogs, like that of people, is quite delicate, so it can be affected by cold and other external factors that cause it to become irritated or inflamed, among other things. Respiratory diseases in dogs that most often occur are:

Dogs' cold is similar to people. Sudden changes in temperature, exposure to air currents, rain humidity, and other environmental factors can trigger a cold. Symptoms are also equivalent, nasal discharge, sneezing, general discomfort, fever sometimes, congestion, cough, irritation of the nose, sore throat... Everything looks familiar.

The cold in dogs is not serious, but it has a big drawback: it can be the start of the canine coquille, or the coquille is mistaken for having the same symptomatology. Therefore, even if the cold is mild, we cannot know first whether it is a cold or a coquille; therefore, it is necessary to go to the vet to get out of doubt.

Kennel cough

This is one of the most common respiratory diseases in dogs that live in overcrowded, whether in kennels, protectors or any other place where many dogs live. It is characterized by a dry and persistent cough and some mucus, sometimes with pus; if it is not treated, there is a risk that it will become complicated and end in pneumonia. It's really contagious among dogs.

This respiratory viral disease is very dangerous and spreads with great ease. There is a high risk of developing this disease if the dog is not vaccinated, and the immunocompromised, such as the elderly or puppies, have a high mortality rate. It is spread by direct contact with infected urine and faces, and also by inhaling viruses spread by the spray droplets that another dog expels.

Symptoms are: decay, fever, and lack of appetite, cough, depression, rhinitis, nasal and eye discharge, diarrhea, pneumonia...

Tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis

Inflammation of the different parts of the throat is very common in dogs and cause pain, difficulty swallowing, coughing, vomiting... They are treated with antibiotics and it is very important not to let them get worse or can have fatal consequences.

Bronchi are inflammation of the mucosa that coats the bronchi and is often the result of other milder conditions that have not been well treated. It is characterized by fever, although not too high, and a dry cough at first that subsequently becomes wet and accompanied by snot.

Bronchitis is very common and usually heals in 10 or 15 days, but can sometimes become chronic.

Pneumonia is severe; it is an inflammation of the lungs that can result from fungal infection, bacteria, parasites or inhalation poisoning.

It usually causes fever, coughing breathing difficulties, rapid breathing and sneezing, although sometimes asymptomatic.

Asthma is one of the most common respiratory diseases in dogs and can affect anyone, regardless of age or breed. It is often inherited from parents, although it can also be the result of an allergic reaction.

Symptoms are cough, fatigue, lack of appetite, slow mobility, blue tongue... However, they vary in each dog.

Did you know that dogs can also have all these respiratory diseases? If it is the case of your pet and you live in Spain we recommend that you download our app quickly to locate a veterinarian and consult him.