The types of dog breeds that have the most benefits for people

Among all the types of dog breeds that exist, are those that have the most benefits for people. Have you ever thought about this? In this article we will talk about research that has shown how some animals can bring great benefits to our health.

Dogs are good for our health
Since you live with your furry, you've probably repeated many times that "it's the best thing that's ever happened to you." And you never regret saying it because, indeed, those people who live with dogs have better health and quality of life.

The American Heart Association (AHA) has investigated a number of data that make dogs benefit the health of their owners for the following reasons:

Have lower systolic blood pressure, pulse pressure and average blood pressure
They have a better physique, that is, they are more active in their daily exercise routine
Have lower risks of obesity from walking their dogs
The risk of dying from cardiovascular disease decreases
The types of dog breeds
However, not everything is as we imagined it.

A study of 3.4 million people between 40 and 80 years over a 12-year period in Sweden concluded that all this depends on the breeds of dogs, that some dogs are better than others in terms of health:

The pedigree and its problems
Pedigree is a certification document that states that a dog has a set of quality ancestors, that is, it is the family tree of dogs where it is shown all its generation.

The BBC documentary Pedigree Dogs Exposed explains that for dogs to obtain their pedigree, people often mix animals of the same family and breed, so that they are considered purebred.

However, not all dogs that are purebred are healthy, as they usually present diseases such as syringomyelia which means having a very small skull compared to the brain, or artistries and dysplasia.