Leukemia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Leukemia in dogs is a disease that attacks white blood cells and bone marrow. It is identified as a silent disease, because it initially has no symptoms that can be noticed. Unfortunately, it's a deadly disease.
It originates in the bone marrow. It does not allow cells to mature, generating defective white blood cells or leukocytes. It deteriorates the immune system in this way.
This disease is a type of cancer that harms white blood cells and as a result the dog can contract various diseases.
As the disease progresses it also attacks red blood cells and platelets. At this point, the general condition of the dog begins to worsen.
Different types of leukemia
There are several kinds of leukemia in dogs. They can be classified by their origin or by their evolution.
Leukemia according to its origin
There is an increase in the production of lymphoblast’s or commonly called immature lymphocytes. They originate in the bone marrow.
In this case, the bone marrow produces excessive lybenoid cells.
Classification according to its evolution
Either of the two types mentioned above can be Acute Leukemia or Chronic Leukemia:
The disease suddenly appears, putting the dog in a serious state. You need effective and immediate treatment or the animal may die in a short time.
In this case, the course of the disease is longer, even in the early stages; it is possible that the disease will go unnoticed. It usually occurs in older dogs.
What are the causes that generate it?
Although it is not known for certain which causes of leukemia in dogs, larger breeds and females have been found to be more likely to develop the disease.
It is assumed that having suffered a viral infection, exposure to radiation or chemicals influence spawning canine leukemia. But there's no scientific check on that.
Symptoms that can be detected
The symptomatology that the disease initially presents is very variable and depends to a large extent on the type of leukemia that our dog suffers.
It is advisable that any changes take you to the vet.
Symptoms are variable as a result of the disease being attacking multiple organs at once. That's why our dog may have widespread discomfort
The most common symptoms are:
Lack of appetite, anorexia and weight loss
He's always tired and tired
Muezzins with incorrect hue, impaled
Periodic vomiting
High temperature
Diarrhea generated for no apparent reason
Inflammation of the lymph nodes
Heart rate acceleration
Breathing difficulties
Increased urine quantity and frequency
Eye problems
Presentation of bleeding
How is it diagnosed? What are the tests the vet does?
Diagnosis is important that it be made as early as possible, so that the opportunities for healing that the dog may have are greater. The visit to the veterinarian can be divided into 2 stages.
A second stage includes laboratory tests, which are tests that confirm the disease and what type it is. Another option is for a bone marrow biopsy.
For this last exam it is required that the dog be anesthetized, because that is a moderately complex and painful study. Usually the sample is taken from the hip and sent for analysis.
Treatment for leukemia in dogs
Leukemia in dogs is a disease that causes death, but an early diagnosis can prolong the dog's lifespan and also improve its quality of life as long as this happens.
Treatment is outpatient (except for very advanced cases) and is based on chemotherapy. Chemotherapy in dogs is given by oral or intramuscular dose of anticancer. They are very toxic drugs, so their periodicity is spaced out.
Antibiotics are added to prevent infections from being generated in parallel to the main disease. It is advisable not to combine it with sick animals to avoid contagion.
The consumption of painkillers is also important, to reduce your pains and help you feel better.
Your diet should be of first quality, including all nutrients that the veterinarian indicates you need.
Daily physical exercise improves your mood so you should walk or run within your means. The rest of the time you can enjoy the street using a dog bike trailer, a cart and even a wheeled carrier. You also have to give him love and a lot of love.
If leukemia is acute, the problem is compounded. The disease is extremely aggressive. It advances quickly and the suffering of the animal is greater. This causes the owner to often opt for sacrifice to avoid suffering.
Both treatment and results may vary in each case. This is why the veterinarian will determine what is the best treatment to implement for each particular dog.
Another possible treatment option is natural medicine whose origin is Chinese medicine. This is about nutritional therapies, phytotherapy and also homeopathy.
These natural therapies are also recommended to optimize the state of the body and prevent problems such as different types of cancer and its devastating consequences. in our dogs.
All dogs need their owners to give them good quality food, be protected from rain and cold, exercise daily, socialize with other dogs and also with other people and receive a lot of love.
Having a pet implies responsible tenure. Physical health is as important as your psychological health is. Thus, owner and dog will be able to accompany each other for many years.
Leukemia in dogs is a disease that could affect any dog. Remember to keep your dog healthier and happier. Responsible care of our pet will allow you to be well for many years to come.