More important care of the dog's legs

Answer honestly: do you pay enough attention to your feet? No, this isn't a template or shoe ad. But after answering that question, ask yourself the following question: do you take good care of your pet's legs? The legs of the dog require care that we often forget, especially if we are not aware that for them their legs are as important as for us our feet.

The importance of the dog's paws and their care
Sometimes we don't give the necessary importance to the care of the dog's legs until we see it limp.

For them, the legs are much more than a stand. Remember, for example, that dogs sweat through their pads.

That's why you have to give them all the attention they deserve. Take note of the most important care!

Trimming inter digital hair
The vast majority of dog breeds usually have 5 fingers on their front legs and 4 on the hind legs, however, there are that are born with a total of 20 or 22, since they have internal fingers (spurs).

Among these little ones grows hair. But sometimes that hair grows more than the count.

This can cause entireness that end up affecting their passage or even dermatitis, as dirt tends to accumulate in them.

To avoid all this, you should trim that hair as often as necessary (it will depend on the speed of growth). In addition, you must clean the area and dry it properly whenever it gets wet, either by rain or after a bath.

Short nails
It is normal for dogs to take advantage of walks on rough surfaces to file their nails, but this may not be enough.

Long nails can cause discomfort to your perch and make it a little difficult for you to get along on smooth surfaces.

Nail cutting in dogs requires a specific nail clipper that you can find in pet stores or veterinary centers.

In addition, it is very important to know how to do it correctly, because if you do it wrong, you can cause great pain and damage to your pet. It's better than if you're not sure, leave this task in the hands of a canine hairdressing center.

The perfect pads
A wound on the pads of your furry is very painful for him. Therefore, among the care of the dog's legs, the attention of the pads is the most important.

The pads (digital and plantar) act as protection of the leg bones, as they cushion the steps. Come on, they're your version of a shoe sole.

In addition, we must not forget the carpal pad, present on the front legs and that can act as a brake, especially on slippery surfaces.

When you take your dog for a walk, you should check that there are no crystals or other objects on the floor that could cause injury.

Similarly, make sure the floor is neither too cold nor too hot for him. If so, there are protective shoes for dogs, both for the cold and for the heat that you can place.

If temperatures are too low or too high, dog pads tend to crack. Therefore it is recommended that when you get home after a walk; apply a thin layer of specialized moisturizer for them in order to avoid dryness in times of extreme temperatures.

In addition, the massage you will perform while you apply it will help you relax. However, it must be very soft and as long as the dog is left, since many hairy people are not particularly excited to touch their legs.

Whenever you return from the rides, check that there are no objects or a lot of dirt left between the pads. If you notice your dog licking his paws or biting them, this may be one of the reasons. Keep your pads always clean and dry and the hassle will go away!

And finally, if you notice that your dog has a superficial wound, you must heal it and protect it so that it heals as soon as possible, but if you see that it is very deep, go immediately to the vet!