Elizabethan necklace: what it is and what it is for

When our pet suffers from a health problem and we go with her to the vet, we always want her to come home as if nothing had happened and moved the rebate cheerfully. However, sometimes the recovery process takes a while and takes certain precautions to not make the situation worse. One such measure is the use of the Elizabethan necklace. We're talking about him!

What is the Elizabethan Necklace?
The Elizabethan necklace, cone necklace, cone of shame or simply cone, is a plastic element that is placed on the neck of the pet as a method of containment.

It limits its head movements and the access of its legs to it, as it acts as a protective screen. This prevents the animal from hurting itself in certain areas of its body that already suffer from any problems.

Obviously, there's not just one type of Elizabethan necklace. There are different sizes, some plastic (the most common) and some inflatable.

It will be the vet who advises you on which one needs your hairy hair and how to put it on it for harm.

By the way, as a curiosity, the name "Elizabethan necklace" is given because it reminds the beanie so representative in the costumes of the time of Elizabeth I of England. Did you know that?

Elizabethan Necklace Uses
The most common uses of the Elizabethan necklace are:

Don't let the animal touch the wounds of the body
If your pet has been tapped and has a wound in healing, it is very important that it is not slanted. This could cause it to become infected and have very bad consequences, so the Elizabethan necklace is an option.

Likewise, even if there is no surgery in between, any wounds on your pet's body (burn, cut...) should be protected from its licks.

It is also very useful so that it does not scratch if the hairy is undergoing dermatological treatment.

Protecting your face
It is also important to isolate the face of your hairy if there is something to protect in it: your eyes for eye treatment, your ears, a wound on the snout, etc.

In this case, the Elizabethan cone protects from attempts to touch or scratch with its legs that area.

Can my pet lead a normal life with Elizabethan necklace?
Let's start from the base that that necklace will be placed by necessity and not for taste, and that need surely be somewhat uncomfortable for your pet.

Besides, she’s probably not used to having anything that limits her movements and field of view.

Still, it is normal that, after a few hours (and several clashes against house things), they get used to the cone and adapt their movements to it.

Help your pet when wearing Elizabethan necklace
You have to do your part so that your pet spends the days that it is his turn to wear the necklace as quietly as possible.

For example, to eat and drink, if you do not reach your dishes with the cone placed because these have very high edges, put a shallower one to facilitate access.

It also separates bowls from the wall so that when tilting does not collide.

If it still costs you, check with your veterinarian if you can withdraw it at mealtime. If you're given permission, stay 100% attentive so you don't touch your wounds.

Think your pet won't understand the situation very well, so you'll have to calm her down and not get angry with her or yell at her when she tries to take off her necklace. Correct him so that he does not, but always with love and rewarding him in progress.

It should always be the veterinarian, who recommends the use of this necklace, does not wear it for pleasure. Besides, he also has to be the one who tells you how long to wear it.

Don't stop using it on your own as it could have very bad consequences for your pet!