Dry eye in dogs or dry eye syndrome in dogs is a disease
that can affect dogs and cause serious eye problems. We talked to you about
this pathology.
The dry eye in dogs: what is?
When we talk about dry eye in dogs we mean a syndrome that
is known as dry keratoconjunctivitis (QCS) or also quantitative dry
keratoconjunctivitis, which severely affects the cornea, conjunctiva and tear
glands, due to a chronic inflammation.
This inflammation causes not enough tears to occur or to be
of low quality, causing total dryness in the eye or partially, if the
distribution of the tears is not balanced.
All this makes the eye very vulnerable, which can cause
serious damage to vision. Your dog could end up blinded by this problem!
Causes of dry eye in dogs
There may be several reasons for dry eye syndrome in dogs.
Genetics: nose dogs, such as the Bulldogs or Carlines, are
quite prone to poor distribution of tears. In addition to these, other breeds
such as those of the Yorkshire terrier also have congenital characteristics
that make them vulnerable to this pathology.
But these are not the only cases: the Pekingese, the Tackle,
the Shih-Tzu, the West Highland White Terrier, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel or
the Schnauzer are other breeds that also have some predisposition.
Viruses: There are certain viruses, such as the coquille,
that produce chronic inflammation in the eyes like this.
Age: the older the less natural lubrication of the eyes
occurs, so dry eye is very common in older dogs.
Poisoning: Toxic substances can cause many diseases in the
hairy ones and one of them can be the dry eye.
Medications: Side effects of some medications may include
the development of this syndrome.
Diseases: Whether autoimmune, systemic or metabolic,
including dry eye syndrome.
Symptoms of dry eye in dogs
It is very important that the symptoms of this disease are
taken into account. Only then can you tackle it in time and avoid major damage.
These symptoms include:
Inflammation of the cornea.
Constant scratching of the eyes.
Eye redness.
Disturbances in the area.
Constant blinking.
Thick secretions, which can be with or without pus.
In some severe cases, curiously, excessive tearing occurs.
Prevention and treatment of dry eye in dogs
As we have seen, there are factors that cause dry eye in
dogs that cannot be avoided, such as aging or genetics.
However, you can always prevent your dog from being exposed
to elements that can dry their eyes, such as air conditioners or heaters near
them, or drafts.
On the other hand, taking general care of your pet's health
(their diet, their daily vaccinations, etc.) will keep you strong in the face
of possible diseases that cause this syndrome and others.
If with prevention you have not managed to prevent your dog
from suffering this problem, you should know that there is treatment, as long
as it is caught on time.
This treatment will vary depending on the cause of the dry
eye. If it is a consequence of a disease, it will have to be treated. At the
same time, artificial tears, eye drops or medicines that promote the natural
production of tears will be administered.
If the case is in an advanced state without having yet
caused blindness, a surgical operation may be performed where the tear ducts
are treated in order to correct the condition.
The important thing is that if you notice any of the
symptoms associated with dry eye in dogs, you go to a vet as soon as possible.
This way you will find the solution in time!