Can dogs detect diabetes? We'll tell you!

Did you know that some dogs can detect diabetes? At least the ones who are trained for it! Many times dogs have proven us to be heroes without a cape, authentic four-legged angels. There are many things they do to help us have a better life. People with diabetes can count on the help of special dogs to detect symptoms and prevent glucose drops.

What dogs that can detect diabetes do

Dogs trained to detect diabetes can help people with diabetes because:

They recognize the symptoms of a low glucose drop before it happens and alert you to it.
Check your breathing to check your blood glucose level.

If you faint from hypoglycemia, these dogs help you get up and recompose.
If you need help and aren't aware, they're trained to seek support from others or medical assistance.

They carry medicines or food necessary in case of hypoglycemia.

You'll recognize dogs that can detect diabetes because they often carry a backpack that identifies them as people's assistance dogs.

It contains the data of the patient, an emergency contact, and food and diabetes medicines... everything that might be necessary in case of hypoglycemia! Thus, anyone can access the documentation and help if necessary.

How to train dogs that can detect diabetes

Dogs that learn to detect blood glucose levels are trained using techniques of tracking and detecting various odors from the human body. They learn what the normal blood sugar ranges are and react when they go up or down too much.

Hypoglycemia causes chemical changes in a person's body, which are detectable by the smell of their breathing. This smell is common to all people when they have it, so dogs can learn to recognize it.

A dog trained to detect hypoglycemia can sniff these changes before the sugar drop occurs, so they alert their owners in good time. By slightingly pushing or putting your paws on the patient, they let you know that you need to take steps to restore your blood sugar level before hypoglycemia occurs.

If it is too late and the patient faints, a dog with this specialized training is able to assist him or seek help elsewhere.

How to get a dog that detects diabetes

If you have type 1 diabetes with asymptomatic hypoglycemia, you can adopt one of these assistance dogs. This can take some time, as they will have to test you and exams, as well as make sure that your environment and lifestyle are appropriate for this type of dog.

It is not yet very common to find diabetes-detecting dogs, as it is a complicated and slow training. In Spain, the pioneers in this type of dog training are the Ocala Foundation. In Zaragoza they also train dogs to live with diabetics in the CENTER of Assisted Therapies CANEM.

Like any other, a diabetes-detecting dog needs love, care and maintenance. Make sure you can give it to him!